Thursday, January 11, 2007

Tagged by DJN

I've been tagged by DJN (my first tag).

I am to list five things that you don't know about me. That should be easy... and I'll keep it clean.

1. I have three daughters, and one dog (he's the oldest).

2. I own an old car that I actually have no idea where it is. I guess that means I had an old car.

3. I have no problem falling asleep at night or even for naps. At night, once my head hits the pillow I decide to fall asleep, and I do (probably within two minutes). Kind of like a shutdown for a PC. Addendum: I wrote 1, 2 and 3 just before lunch and then took a nap in my car (really).

4. My dog is old and probably only has a year to two to live, but I wouldn't sell him for any amount of money.

5. I'll be 40 years old in May of 2007, and it doesn't really bother me.


Blogger NewYorkMoments said...

I'm jealous. I've had insomnia for years.

1/11/2007 9:00 PM  
Blogger Nukie said...

Sleep is overated.

1/11/2007 9:43 PM  
Blogger djn said...

I am one of the lucky -- I could sleep on a rock if I needed to. My husband, Rich, isn't so lucky and he tells me he's tempted to wake me up when he's awake just cuz it makes him so mad that I can sleep and he can't. He would regret it and I think he knows that.

1/12/2007 12:39 PM  
Blogger kimmyk said...

Ok so you don't have a clue where your car is? How does that happen?

We're the same age. I didn't know that. 'Cept I'm like 2 months older than you. Men take turning 40 better than women. How old is Nukie then? I bet he's like WAY old.

He said I was one of 'those' girls. Do you know what he was talkin' about? I think he was trying to make me paranoid. It worked.

Oh yeah, how old are your girls?

1/13/2007 11:18 PM  
Blogger Wakanuki said...

( holy cr*p... I just lost all my typing - here I go again).

Shorter version:

KK: lost the car as I had it stored at a friends house after escaping from the ex. After some years, my friend had it stored elsewhere (can't blame him). He knows a lot of people, and was able to store it somewhere else. I of course felt guilt for the long term that he's put up with things and gave him 49.99% ownership. But, I don't know where he stored it, and if it is still there either.

Nukie is 2.3 years older than me.

One of 'those' girls... I'd have to see it in context. I orginally thought I read what you were talking about in a previous blog, but lost all my typing when I clicked on the other window to check where I read it. But, normally he is primarily looking to ruffle feathers.

Where did he make the statement?

My girls are 11, 9 and 1. The 11 yr old thinks she is 13, the 9 year old acts her age, and the 1 yr old keeps us busy. They are all good kids (so far).

1/17/2007 11:56 AM  

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