Where will I be today ?!?!?

Did you ever have someone plan a meeting right at 1:00 p.m.?
So, I guess I better eat lunch EXACTLY at noon, so that I can be back in time for your stinking meeting.
How about those meeting that CREEP into normal lunch hours? You either have to take an early or late lunch...I've had those too!
I THOUGHT those were bad, until someone, eager to get noticed, decided to have a meeting DURING lunch time - No Lie. I'm not kidding. THIS DOES HAPPEN.
But, they make it up to those cheap b*stards who think that it is worth getting a free crap sandwich or a crap wrap in exchange for the precious hour.
I have, tried to get make them unsuccessful at stealing my time by leaving for a while after the "noon to 2:00" meeting. In an attempt to salvage some of my lunch time freedom.
Pretty clever - huh!
Now look closely at today's image. That is what my schedule looks like today (REALLY). BTW, both meetings were made by the same person.
Now what do I do?
- Wakanuki
I have ameeting tomorrow (Wed) at noon.
I wrote back and told the meeting organizer to "order a low carb lunch" for me and that I was charginfg and hour overtime because I enjoy my lunches too much.
He just said "okay"
What else can they say. These guys are in meetings 9 hours a day to prove their existance, they don't produce anything, and the only time they have free is noon.
What's the "C" stand for???
kk: that's clever.
nym: I may have to remove it... I gave it further thought, and a New York Moment really is a reference to NYC; the 'C' is redundant.
A funny thing happened while in the meeting - there was about 20 of us, and another 4 from another company trying to sell us something...
After everyone else ate their cr-wrap, one girl from the visiting company put two bags of chips in front of her.
As the meeting resumed, I noticed her ripping into the chips and started stuffing them in a few at a time. It's a large conference room, and I was at the other end, but not far enough to escape the very loud crunches coming out of her half closed mouth. After a couple of minutes of this - I started to smile and was trying to hold back the laughter - It was loud.
Then, one of her co-workers leaned in and whispered to her. She then looked around with bugged out eyes and set the bag down.
Ya ever see that cereal commercial where they're trying to fire the guy and he can't hear them cause he's munching away on his very loud cereal? maybe that's what you need to do. maybe that's what she was trying to do. drown out the voices. she's a smart woman.
You can't go around adding letters in a bloggers name. It's one of the rules.
Those meetings are ridiculously long! What could possibly be so important?
Time to be possessed--suddenly--with a five-hour flu bug. People who love meetings are ccccccKKKKrrrraaaazy.
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