8 days a week - Or so it feels...

A little bit about me...
This is where I am for 45 hours a week. I was told that I shouldn't count lunch hours when counting my work hours, but I'm not home... I'm counting it.
I was told by Nukie that I wasn't allowed to post a picture of my cube; something about anonymity. But, I figured - If Nukie could post his ISP login and password, then I can post three pictures of my cube.
The three pictures show the following:
I work in a cube, and I have a shared area (not really shown in the pictures). That is too say, that my cube connects to another cube with a common area. This is by choice... I had a shared cube when I first started this job back in 1991, and somehow through many moves of buildings and crews - I usually ended up with one. I think it's the only one in the company. I think going to a normal cube would feel too small.
Special etiquette comes along with having a shared cube. You can't just bring in a donut and eat it. Ya gotta think of the other guy too. My cube mate is on a diet now - so the donut thing is on hold for a while.
There are also company rules for this sea of cubes. You will see in the picture to the right, that there is a clump of something there. That is where I put my coat. Not only is it against the rules, the company just sent out another e-mail to remind people to use the closets.
And, see that gap there. Don't you think that they could find a small wall section to fill that gap. There are two people that actually use that as a cut through. Hard to believe isn't it.
There are rules about things poking above the cube walls; simply not allowed. I think they get a hedge trimmer every so often and cut down anything that found its way beyond the wall. This includes people... If you're talking to someone, the powers that be have made it known, that you should sit down below the wall height so that you are not interrupting others. I think that there was a person or two who got hit by the hedge trimmer. Sure - The company said they quit or got fired, but I don't believe them.
Nice work space. I wish I was cut off from the rest of the world when I work. But somehow I don't know how I'd take care of patients if I did that.
I like the plant. And it's great you think of the other guy and his needs.
Now when did Nukie post his ISP and Password?? I musta missed that day...damnit.
More cube etiquette...don't fart.
First of all, It looks like somebody stole all of my readers.
secondly, Why didn't you hang up the Bettie Page Calendar I gave you for Christmas?
NYM just taught me something. I'm gonna have to watch myself now.
kk: nukie doesn't want to talk about his logging his info. He believes that ignorance is bliss.
nym: I can't make any promises.
Firstly - I let them post whatever they want without censoring them.
Secondly - I couldn't open the calendar. It seems as if someone glued all the pages together.
Thirdly - covered above (no promises).
I'm glad I don't have to share my space because I already have to share a printer, copier, and bloomberg station with everyone else in my general area. In about two weeks, though, we're moving to another building and word has it that I will have to share space. I am SO not good at sharing.
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