The weekend.

The weekend: Now this is probably going to sound like a crappy weekend that I am complaining about, but in retrospect... I guess it was an o.k. weekend.
Friday night: There was a high windstorm. We heard odd banging noises on the house to which I decided to investigate what was going on outside. Winds of about 60 mph were tearing through the area and took some of the house siding with it. As expected, by morning even more siding was missing. I guess the thing that aggravated me about it was that the shed I built had no damage to its siding.
Saturday: Got rid of cable tv - Had Directv activated (so far so good).
Sunday: Extended family Christmas party. My family was running late (actually unusual). It seemed that we could not get out of the house; this made me get aggravated. Then I learned we had to make a donut stop prior to going to the party that we were already late for; rightly so we didn't want to come empty handed - but I was getting more aggravated. At the donut stop it was learned that we forgot some of babies necessary stuff... I started losing it (not unusual). Wife comes out to say that they didn't have enough glazed tim-bits (little donuts). That's it, the last straw !!! I lost it - a little bit of swearing, I tried to pull the diaper bag out of the back, but it's hooked on some netting. I pull harder, a hook in the new mini-van breaks. My temperature is rising... Wife, baby and oldest daughter decide to stay and wait for the donuts while I pick up what was left behind. I noticed that my 2nd oldest daughter was scrambling to get her boots on so that she can escape crazy dad. I went back to pick up what was left behind - feeling embarassed - I cooled down before picking up the hesitant family up from the donut shop. And this point, I figured we are so friggin late... watta ya gonna do. I stayed calm from that point on.
The party was being held at a restaurant, and the charge for older kids was HIGH. Nukie's family didn't make it - but, the price would have been ridiculous for their entire family. Hamrose didn't make it, but she is typically too busy to make it to such events; so Grandma and Grandpa brought her kids to the party.
It was difficult to find clean dishes and silverware, and the food was EXTREMELY bland. If there was actual service - I'd call it terrible. Dirty dishes were not collected (no not the dirty dishes we received to use). Two workers just seemed to stand around...
None the less, it was nice to get together. And the weekend wasn't too bad. It certainly could have been worse.
How was your weekend?
I'm going to work on the temper problem...
HAHA You're a pissy one aren'tcha?! LOL, never would have expected that out of you. Nukie yes, but not you. I hate Tim Hortons...they never have fresh Tim Bits when I go in there. I think the fat jelly glazed lookin' dude behind the counter on Sunday mornings eats 'em all with his fat hands. He makes me mad.
Glad you had somewhat of a good dinner with the family. But I am sorry to hear about the wind damage. Glad it wasn't a tornado though. They went through here a week or so ago when it was really warm. Isane weather.
'Tis the season, eh? Man... Crazy weather -- will it cost a lot to fix your siding? What a drag. I'd be poppy-pants too.
My weekend was MUCH worse but I'm tired of talking about it...
KK: Unfortunately, I am the hot head of the family, but I'm pretty good at putting a cap on it (or I should say - I'm a lot better than I was). Nukie is more like Ghandi than any other. But, picture Ghandi purposely trying to aggravate someone (in a peaceful way).
AND... Tim Horton's donuts are not fresh, they have a crappy variety... My order normally goes something like this:
Wak: I'd like 40 TimBits...
Worker: they quickly interrupt with "Do you want a mix?"
Wak: Ah, NO... 15 Glazed, 15 Chocolate and 10 Cherry (you cant say 15 glazed, 15 chocolate and the rest cherry - it hurts the workers).
Worker: We have 3 Glazed.
Wak: Ok, I'll take the 3 Glazed, 20 Chocolate and 17 Cherry.
Worker: We don't have Cherry.
Wak: How about Dutchies?
Worker: What are Dutchies?
Wak: You know... the glazed ones with the raisins in them !
Worker: No.
* It's painful.
djn or is it Monkey Business or Noble Lady? Where does the djn come from?
I read about your weekend. Much worse than mine - no doubt. I guess, experiencing similar enough crap is likely the reason that I describe my own weekend as being o.k... Because, I know it could be a lot worse.
It may be another year or two... but things will get better (I hope they do sooner than later for you guys). NI will get older and wiser. He'll see what's really going on.
Don't let her ruin things...
- Wak
I take exception to Ghandi.
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