Nukie has left the country.

In case you were wondering...
Nukie has left the country. For work, he was sent to Abbey Road. Well, maybe not Abbey Road - But England. If I were sent to England - I would visit Abbey Road. I wouldn't necessarily take off my shoes and "do the walk"... But, I'd do the walk and get a snappy of it. Although, I'd be tempted... I wouldn't steal the street sign. The British bobbies are likely watching them closely. And besides, I learned my lesson...
When Nukie and I went to NYC together, we walked across the Brooklyn Bridge. That's where I found a broken piece of the bridge. I thought, I should take it... "It's broken - They're going to eventually throw it out anyway". No sooner did I pocket the souvenir and take a few steps when it happened.
"TWEET!, TWEET!, TWEET !" (that supposed to be the sound of a loud whistle blowing).
The sound was quickly getting closer. Oh my God... there's a cop behind me - I quickly dropped the prize. Soon after dropping it - The sound continued to get louder and closer until....
The bicyclist flew past me. Apparently, I was in the way.
But by then you were too scared to turn around and pick it up? If it were me, I would have probably passed out at the thought of getting arrested. Yes, I know I most likely wouldn't have gotten arrested but I probably would have talked myself into it and then passed out...
I think that I probably thought I had something to prove. I picked it up on the way back over the bridge (but I was scared beyond belief).
Whatcha mean he went to England? No one told us he was going overseas. Top secret mumbojumbo eh?
I was gonna say didja pick it up? If he was on a bike you and Nukie coulda just tossed it and him over the broken bridge and called it a day. Things like that happen in NY I hear everyday.
Nukie could be strange like that. He'll tell ya all about the old candy bar he found under the couch. But, fails to mention that he is being sent to England for a week; he may also get sent to Italy.
He'll probably ruin the opportunity by looking all over for a McDonalds or a Subway restaurant.
I thought of the NYC trip when I walked across the Tower on London Bride, but I couldn't find any loose pieces.
You forget the ending..... remember when you dropped it, I picked it up and shoved it under my shirt and continued to run. You still have it.
Oh my God! That was totally paranoid!
Nukie: You picked it up? Could be. I guess YOU had something to prove then...
But, thanks... I do still have it. It's on my bookcase at home.
NYM: Paranoid?! It was my 2nd time away from home. I started out afraid of NYC - Just like the rest of the people from Western New York.
But, now... I know better. I have been there many times since, love it and feel perfectly safe there.
Toronto is much more dangerous.
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