A response to Nukie

I'm pretty sure I can respond, and make it through Nukie's censoring... but, why take a chance. He doesn't always post my comments.
The Nukie concert that the little Wakanuki's went to:
Actually, I got the impression that my kids were pretty bad. Very wound up, and had the giggles. Apparently they couldn't stop giggling. It's as if they were on a sugar high ?!?!
But, actually I blame the kids.
For any holiday occasion, I make sure to have red and white wine. I prefer red wine, and I like either a Merlot, Cabernet or Shiraz. The ones I select are something in the range of Yellow Tail or Mondavi. I don't like white wine as much, but I try to get something in a similar range for those who do. Nukie on the other hand does not like red wine, but prefers white.
I don't know enough about manners... but I tend to open the bottles that people sometimes bring so that they can also enjoy them. It used to bug me to bring wine to someones house, only to not be offered ANY WINE AT ALL. I think if you don't have a bottle open, then you should at least open the one that someone brought.
So, if the wine actually sucks - maybe it's because people brought crappy wine.
I must admit - Nukie brought over a Pinot Grigio that was pretty good (I tried it after the red).
BGF & I used to drink Yellow Tail shiraz all the time.
I have Yellow Tail a friend brought me from Australia. I haven't drank in almost a year and a half, after listening to my kids scream for two days I'm seriously considering crackin' it open.
Where's the drunken pictures of Nukie at Christmas Wak?
Hope you and your family had a wonderful holiday!
I can't stand yellow tail!!!!!!
Italian wine is the only wine. It doesn't matter if it's red or white.
In fact, I think I'll have some right now.
Nukie doesn't post all your comments? You must be "X" rated or maybe, just maybe he's threatened by your wit. ;)
Just kidding, Nukie (if you're reading this).
Oh -- and I'll take red wine over white anyday. I prefer Shiraz, Pinot Noir, or chianti.
Happy New Year, Wak!
Wonder why Nukie censors you. Maybe he's jealous. Ya think?
Wakawakawaka (reminds me of pacman) -- you have been tagged on my blog...
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