Hmmm.... decisions, decisions.

Today is January 19th 2007. I was trying to decide whether to discuss "The 10 most influential women in history" or dedicate this blog entry to celebrate my father's 80th birthday.
Born in Buffalo, NY in 1927. From what I can put together, it seemed as if he grew up similarly to one of the 'little rascals'. I'm not too sure which one he would have been, but more likely he would have hung out with Butch, rather that Alfalfa. I'd have to count to be sure, but had 6 other siblings, and he is now the oldest of those remaining. His father lived to be... I'm pretty sure 96 years old. So, you never can tell how much Dad has left. He seems pretty healthy for an 80 year old. As a youth, he went to war in Korea, and worked many blue collar and factory jobs afterwards.
He has always been pretty handy with things, and Nukie and I likely attempt similar tasks because of his influence. To an outsider, my father can come across as loud, tough, closed-minded, stubborn and grouchy. But, he's a good, honest guy with a giving heart. I have very good memories of my childhood.
"Happy Birthday Dad" !!!!!