Nukie has left the country.

In case you were wondering...
Nukie has left the country. For work, he was sent to Abbey Road. Well, maybe not Abbey Road - But England. If I were sent to England - I would visit Abbey Road. I wouldn't necessarily take off my shoes and "do the walk"... But, I'd do the walk and get a snappy of it. Although, I'd be tempted... I wouldn't steal the street sign. The British bobbies are likely watching them closely. And besides, I learned my lesson...
When Nukie and I went to NYC together, we walked across the Brooklyn Bridge. That's where I found a broken piece of the bridge. I thought, I should take it... "It's broken - They're going to eventually throw it out anyway". No sooner did I pocket the souvenir and take a few steps when it happened.
"TWEET!, TWEET!, TWEET !" (that supposed to be the sound of a loud whistle blowing).
The sound was quickly getting closer. Oh my God... there's a cop behind me - I quickly dropped the prize. Soon after dropping it - The sound continued to get louder and closer until....
The bicyclist flew past me. Apparently, I was in the way.