A long long time ago. I can still remember how that music used to make me smile ...

If you met me you'd probably think I was pretty normal... and you'd be right... or so I think.
That being said, there was one time, and ONLY ONE TIME that I participated in. No, ok stop now. Don't let your imagination run away into some sick twisted categories. This isn't that wacky.
Anyway, if you'd let me finish. One time a few friends and I drove from Buffalo to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. I was about 22 years old (or so) and we were checking out the local bars and beaches. We stumbled into one bar that had a pit in the center. These kinda freaky people were, I believe its called, moshing. That when you jump around and slam into one another in a somewhat violent fashion while horrendous music is blaring.
Into the pit Victor and I went, jumping around, while slamming into societies misfits. He and I were 'Malachi crunching' those around us... We were laughing our @sses off as we crushed those around us... until, we slammed into the 'Thing'. This big guy didn't budge an inch. I quickly motioned to Vic that we better get out of the pit, before he could line us up for the, no doubt, devastating retaliatory hit.
Every couple of years, I overhear the Nirvana song that was playing while moshing, it brings me back to the pit in South Carolina.