On the way to work today, I happen to take notice at all the school buses at one of the intersections. I then wondered if the kids today [lets stop right there - typically the kids today are worse than we ever were... ok continue] still POUND the heck out of buses. When I was young, we reacted quicker than Pavlov's dog when we noticed any bus coming down the street. We'd quickly make as many snow balls as possible to get maximum hits against the ill defended transportation. Sometimes you could get a good hit against the front windshield, one on the side, and a good shot could make sure to hit it in the @ss end as it's getting away.
I have to admit, I think we took it too far. But, buses were literally pounded when there was any trace of snow on the ground. And, it was a sad day when the winter weather would leave you without ammo.
[I wasn't a bad kid - I just did some bad things]
One time, when I was in middle school, the high-school bus was coming down the street and I properly prepared myself with a nicely packed snowball. But, all of a sudden the school bus stopped right along side me and the driver opened the door to tell me something like "DON'T YOU DARE". My arm was already cocked back and ready to go... adrenalin and guts poured out of me as I blasted the driver of the bus. He exploded out of his seat and left his bus unmanned in the road with all the kids in the bus. This old guy (probably only about 40 years old) tore after me as my little legs ran as quickly as they could. He wasn't giving up I took a quick glance around to see this red faced guy catching up to me. "OK, OK" I yelled... as I slowed down afraid that he would tackle me. He grabbed me and held on to the back of my jacket all the way back to the cheering bus... The kids on the abandoned bus were roaring about their bus drivers catch.
The bus driver sat me down in the bus and made a call on the radio. He was taking me to THE POLICE. The kids all stared at me and chuckled as the driver made a special run to the police station WHERE HE WORKED. I had to wait for my mother to pick me up.
Yea, I wonder if kids still POUND the heck out of buses.